Office Manager

Victoria Miles

More than a decade at Abercrombys, coupled with 25 years of working with Jock Langley and Tim Derham, makes Tori one of the most experienced heads in the office.

Office Manager

Victoria Miles

ABOUT Victoria

These years of service are thanks to the importance she places on loyalty. This experience has led her to be the ‘go to’ person in the office with her capacity to respond to a wide range of requests and handle the diverse array of issues that inevitably arise during the course of each busy day.

More than a decade at Abercrombys, coupled with 25 years of working with Jock Langley and Tim Derham, makes Tori one of the most experienced heads in the office.

These years of service are thanks to the importance she places on loyalty. This experience has led her to be the ‘go to’ person in the office with her capacity to respond to a wide range of requests and handle the diverse array of issues that inevitably arise during the course of each busy day.

As the individual with the responsibility for ensuring the smooth, seamless running of the business from an internal perspective, her cool head and seamless running of the office breathes confidence and assuredness through the whole business. Tori genuinely loves the Abercrombys office and knows it back to front, but beyond the office she loves a trip to Queensland with her family or a hit of tennis or golf.